AED Etiquette and Dance Policies
Dance Readiness
- AED teachers will privately discuss with you and your child if a class is not fitting your child’s ability. Arrangements will be made to find a suitable class where your child can dance safely and successfully.
- Students are expected to attend the classes they are registered for during the entire 2022/23 school year unless otherwise discussed with the director prior to September start up (or when student starts this 2022/23 season.)
- Make-Up classes are offered in case a class is missed. We recommend taking a class above or below the current level you are in, or try a different dance style! Ask your teacher for recommendations. No refunds or reductions will be given for missed classes.
- AED reserves the right to dismiss students from class if they are continually disruptive.
- Through the months of September and October, two weeks written notification is required if you choose to withdraw from class.
- Students are expected to finish their dance classes through June. Those who choose to end early will be expected to pay the rest of the year's tuition. (June tuition should be taken care of with the June Fee upon midyear billing.)
- Parents and students are expected to be supportive of AED protocols, staff and management. We have healthy protocols to keep our dancers and program safe, productive and happy. Continual argument against protocols will end in dismissal of student.
- AED will always keep safety first, however injuries can happen. Please inform your teacher of any prior injuries. Always listen to your body and understand that you take class at your own risk. If a child sustains an injury during class or while at AED, it is the parent/caregiver's responsibility to seek medical care within 24 hours and notify the Director with the results. If immediate medical attention is deemed necessary, AED reserves the right to call for immediate care.
- Arabesque Etc. Dance LLC and staff are not liable for any personal injury or loss of property.
- Due on the first day of each month September-May. June is considered a half month, and is paid upon admission to the program. Tuition will be billed the week before the first of the month. A $5 late fee will be charged if you have not paid your balance by the 5th of the month (excepting September.)
- AED follows the general school vacation and holiday schedule of Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District (MMUUSD.) We do hold classes on Teacher In-service Days.
- AED reserves the right to cancel classes for inclement weather or illness. AED decides class cancellations independent of the school district's cancellations. Note: If MMUUSD has a snow day, we may still hold classes … snow is often cleared by the afternoon, but please make safe choices for your family!
- We do our best to contact dancers immediately upon class cancellation.
- If in doubt please check our website or feel free to email or call 802-383-8468
- Appropriate dance attire is required for each class. Ballet class leotards and tights are essential for Ballet class and can be purchased at AED or elsewhere. Fitted clothing required for Contemporary, Musical Theater, and Jazz. Loose clothing suggested for Hip Hop.
- Appropriate footwear is necessary for all styles of dance:
Ballet: Ballet Slippers Hip Hop: Clean, Indoor sneakers
Jazz and Musical Theater: Jazz shoes Contemporary: Hermes Sandals, Foot-Undies
- We do have a limited number of recycled ballet slippers for borrowing. Students are expected to return them to our “Shoe Library” for others to use once they have outgrown them.
- Our NO SHOES, NO CLASS policy is created for the safety of the dancers. We value the well being of their muscles. Please provide the proper fitted shoes!
- Hair needs to be pulled back from the face for dance class and ballerinas 7 yrs. and older are expected to wear buns should their hair permit. Students coming off the bus may bring a hair kit in their dance bag and we will assist them!
- Prepaid snack cards are allotted for the students. Bars cost $.50 and chews $.25. Parents will be billed biannually.
- Please bring a water bottle to class.
- AED provides after school child care for students who take either the first or second class arriving on the Richmond bus. Parents are able to pick up their child at 5:00 PM. Older dance students are happy to work towards their tuition costs by providing this service! Please reserve a space in advance.
- Tech week and called rehearsals within 30 days of the shows are mandatory for all performers. All dance classes perform in the shows excepting those classes labeled “Technique Class” or when otherwise specified.
- AED families are each asked to volunteer 3 hrs. of time per year towards the performances. In lieu of volunteer time, families may donate $75 annually.
- Non-refundable performance costume fees will be charged in January/February for the spring production. Please expect a costume fee per class that your child attends excepting the “Technique Classes.”
- Fund raising opportunities are available throughout the year. Our Fall Snowflake Chocolate Fundraiser is mandatory for all students; our other Fundraisers are optional.
- Some standard re-usable dance essentials may also need to be purchased for shows: nude leotards, leggings, tights, hair accessories, make-up, etc.
- Teachers work hard to choreograph the dances and to space their dancers for each performance. The class becomes a team working together to be able to dance at their best. Leaving class or choosing not to perform within 30 days before the show will result in the rest of the year’s fees and the cost of the costume.
Arabesque Etc. Dance and staff are not liable for any injuries and will not be held responsible for any personal property. Class attendance is of utmost importance at AED and especially as performance times get closer. We appreciate that our dancers are multi-talented and have much going on in their lives! As we are very supportive of our dancers in their other endeavors during performance and championship weeks, so we expect our dancers to attend the entirety of AED’s Tech Week Rehearsals (the week prior to the shows.) Parents are expected to clear these dates well in advance to ensure a smooth and fun show for their dancers!